Disclaimer / Legal Notice
General information
games mill may be reached:
customer service: info@games-mill.com
games mill is registered with:
Trade register of the Netherlands, nr. 80857132
The use of the games mill site is subject to the conditions of use described hereunder. The mere use of the site implies the knowledge and the acceptance of those conditions of use.
games mill maintains this website to offer information about its services in a general nature. No rights can be derived from the information. The goal of games mill is to keep this information timely, accurate and complete. If errors are brought to games mill’ attention, it will try to correct them. However, games mill accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on the games mill sites.
games mill makes every effort to prevent, as much as possible, interruptions of service or technical errors. Yet, games mill cannot guarantee that the site will be completely free of any kind of interruptions of service or technical errors.
Links and references
The games mill site contains links to other sites. games mill does not monitor those sites and has no technical or content control over them. games mill cannot guarantee the completeness or the accuracy of the content, nor the availability of those sites. The incorporation of links to other sites does not imply any connection, partnership, relationship or approval of those sites or their content.
Copyright Complaints
games mill respects the intellectual property of others. If you believe that a game on games mill or other content related to the games mill services constitutes infringement of your intellectual property rights, please email copyright@games-mill.com
Intellectual property rights of games mill
Unless otherwise indicated, all rights to this site and the information available on or via the site, including copyrights, database rights, and other intellectual property rights, are owned by games mill. Unless otherwise indicated, no rights to the site itself or to the information available on or via the site are transferred to you. More specifically, the information that is made available to you on or via the site can only be used for your own personal purposes. Do not use the information or databases for any other purpose, especially for commercial exploitation.